What we do
Translation for Arts
and Media
The Spanish Translation Service will give your text the necessary time, dedication and skill to get your message across.
For this type of work we use English and Spanish mother tongue translators who understand the principles of literary translation and apply those principles to a wide range of commercial, artistic and academic fields.
Ideally, a good translation should not be identifiable as such, but should sound like an original piece of writing. However, there is always a balance to be struck between accuracy and elegance of style. Our translators are dedicated to achieving that balance in each and every translation we provide.
How quickly can you translate my document?
If time is of the essence we will always do our utmost to be responsive to your needs, without compromising the quality on which our reputation depends.
Our experience
Recent translations include:
- Museum audio guides
- Tourism leaflets
- Product brochures
- Exhibition catalogues
- Newspaper articles
- CD sleeve notes
“Dear Julian, I am sending you the book about Bolumar [a Spanish artist] which you translated last year. Both the author of the text and the artist himself were delighted with your work, so they have decided to write you a special dedication.”
Lucía Alonso, Traductalis, Castellón, Spain |
Translation Samples
(a)Translation from Spanish into English
Spanish Original
En los años 60, las comunidades afro de la costa caribe descubrieron la música popular africana, el Highlife, el Soukous, el Mbaqanga y otros ritmos Haitianos. Estos discos llegaron al puerto de Cartagena en manos de viajeros y marineros, generando un movimiento musical incontrolable, imprevisible, y único en Latino-América y el Caribe. Los afro-Colombianos crearon su propia versión del soukous congoles, el Highlife y otros ritmos africanos modernos, mezclándolos con el folclor de la Cumbia, el Bullerengue, la Chalupa y otros aires caribes. Esta fusión única en su género se llamo Champeta Criolla, un movimiento inspirado en la música popular africana, readaptada en afro-Colombia. |
English Translation
In the Sixties, the Afro communities of the Caribbean coast discovered popular African music – Highlife, Soukous, Mbaqanga and other Haitian rhythms. These records reached the port of Cartagena in the hands of travellers and sailors, and generated an uncontrollable, unpredictable and unique musical movement in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Afro-Colombians created their own version of the Congolese soukous, Highlife and other modern African rhythms, mixing them with the folklore of the Cumbia, Bullerengue, Calupa and other Caribbean airs. This fusion, unique in its genre, was called Champeta Criolla, a movement inspired by popular African music and readapted in Afro-Colombia. |
(b)Translation from English into Spanish
English Original
It’s the Governors Residence and now contains the museum’s library and the stores where some of our large collection of objects are held. It’s also home to the exhibition ‘Down Through Time’, where you should go now. The entrance to the building is through the doorway beneath the steps to the main front door. When you’re inside, go straight ahead to a small gallery which deals with the story of the roots of the 1798 Rising in County Down. |
Spanish Translation
Se trata de la residencia del director de la prisión o Governor’s Residence y actualmente alberga la biblioteca del museo y los almacenes donde se conservan algunos de los objetos de nuestra gran colección. Además, en su interior se encuentra la exposición titulada “Down a través de los tiempos”, a donde debe dirigirse a continuación. Para acceder al edificio hay que cruzar la entrada que se encuentra bajo las escaleras que acceden a la puerta principal. Una vez dentro, siga todo recto hasta llegar a una pequeña galería en la que se explican las causas que desencadenaron la Rebelión de 1798 en el Condado de Down. |
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It is not an exaggeration to say that the hundreds of thousands of words that the Spanish Translation Service has produced have never once resulted in a customer complaint or query. |
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